Find Your Happy Space: Tuning out noise and nonsense and tuning into a life of Joy, Meaning, and Fun
Our beliefs influence our perceptions, functioning as the building blocks for our experiences. Explore the connection between your belief systems and your sense of joy and well-being. Discover how to move beyond Not Good Enough, Don’t Deserve, Needing Other’s Approval, Shame, Blame, Guilt, Dis-ease and Poverty Consciousness into states of I Am Worthy, I Deserve, and YES - I Can Be Healthy, Abundant, Empowered and Happy.
In this module, learn how to overcome limiting beliefs hindering joy, healing, abundance, love, and success. Embody the highest expression of your personal potential as an integral part of the WE experience. Reality Reset. Special emphasis will be placed on getting clear on what matters most to you during and after the Era of Coronavirus.
Intuition is defined in the Joy Mapping teachings as “knowing without knowing how we know.” Our intuitive faculties rest in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, but our entire body is an intuitive antenna. This higher-level intelligence is more readily accessible when we are in particular physiological states. Discover how to map your body to a state of intuitive receptivity. Furthermore, our intuition functions like a muscle; the more we exercise intuition, the stronger our intuition becomes.
In this module, learn to trust, listen to, and utilize your inner voice of choice that will never steer you in the wrong direction. Intuition is logic for the heart. Special emphasis will be placed on listening to intuition during and after the Era of Coronavirus.
Fear can be a useful feeling to signal imminent danger. However, in this era of Coronavirus, we are being programmed and conditioned for perpetual fear. When we are in heightened states of fear consistently, our immune systems are compromised, making us more susceptible to virus and dis-ease. Knowing how to stay aware of what is happening without going into fear can make the difference between reacting to a threat from a weakened state vs responding to fear through action in an empowered manner.
In this module, learn how to map your physiology from peace and calm to various states of fear… and back to peace and calm again. Recognize your fear triggers and move from succumbing to fear to becoming empowered through the fear.. Understand the purpose and meaning of your fear. Discover how to consistently move from fear as a habit/addiction, to fear as a catalyst to help you embody what you truly want in life. Special emphasis will be placed on Fear in the Era of Coronavirus.
Happiness is a tricky somewhat elusive state nowadays. In general, happiness is dependent on external circumstances. Conversely, Joy is an internal state, accessible regardless of what is going on “out there.” However, as we connect to our inner Joy, with the right tools we can find our happy space even when our space is limited to home due to mandated physical distancing.
This module is a culmination of teachings from the prior three modules, exploring how Beliefs, Intuition and Fear as Catalyst all contribute to our individual and shared experiences of Joy. Find Your Happy Space is a function of connection, compassion, collaboration and celebration.
In this module, learn how to consistently connect to inner Joy to create an outer happiness, no matter what appears to be occurring around you. Find your happy space in isolation (I-soul-ation, soul-lution) as together we rediscover the true meaning of connection... to self, others, and this grand interdependent planet and universe.
This class was taught Live and is now available in recorded format.
Watch all four weeks now.