This is a recording of a live event held on December 12, 2022.
Cost: $50 (includes recording)
It has been an “interesting” year, full of change, chaos, uncertainty, and abundant possibility.
More than ever, 2022 has been a year of Busy. Busy. Busy.
For many people, the year has felt like a fast-moving blur. Time is speeding up, and there appears to be no reprieve in sight. It’s as though the pandemic never happened, and we (as the collective consciousness) are in an endemic of endless fast-paced energy.
How do we slow down while still moving forward? How do we find our Happy Space when the fabric of time stretches us in a million different directions?
How can we integrate the tension of the opposites to embrace the Clarity, Uncertainty, Momentum, Stillness, Peace, and Joy to move forward gently and gracefully, now and into the new year?
“We cannot see what is right in front of us if we are always looking in the rear-view mirror.”
Join me for the final webinar of 2022, as together we reflect upon our year with gratitude while clearing the clutter and confusion. Let us prepare intentions to connect to the new year with new patterns and ways of being.
The feeling of unexpected new beginnings in 2023 is palpable.
Our vibrational frequency can change in a moment. A second of time can move you from a world of fear to love. And that choice is yours.
I have been teaching for years that you already are what you wish to become. Stop waiting and weighing yourself down with beliefs and paradigms that insult your soul. Dump your baggage now.
Join Melissa Joy for an empowering and inspiring one-hour Joy Mapping webinar.
There is a short lead time to this event. Just say Yes. Register Now.
In this course, you will:
- Clear your Clutter from 2022
- Connect to Fields of Creation and Manifestation
- Continue the Path of Being the Highest Expression of your Potential
- Cultivate and Embody Integrity as both Energy and Action
- Create Access Points to Open yourself for a Great Trajectory in 2023