Ready to clear your schemas and connect to more trustworthy information? Would you like to know how to weed through the current infodemic to discover what is ultimately true about COVID-19?Realize (real-eyes) what you are most aligned with when you remove your blurry goggles of perceptual bias.
Experience a new level of power and possibility to clear outmoded constructs and navigate forward based on intuitive knowing. You will always know what to do. Off with the schemas and into the heart.
What Is a Schema?
In psychology, a schema is a pattern imposed on reality or experience to help inform a person about what to expect from a variety of experiences and situations. Schemas are developed based on information provided by life experiences and are then stored in memory.
Schemas, as cognitive frameworks, help us organize and interpret information. Schemas can be very useful because they allow us to rapidly interpret vast amounts of information in our environment. However, these mental constructs also cause us to exclude pertinent information that does not match our preexisting notions, beliefs, and experiences.
Our schemas lead to perceptual biases. Perceptual biases limit what we are able to observe and sense as reality. We perceive according to our underlying assumptions. Indeed, our schemas form filters that can influence what we can notice, track, sense, and perceive, often erroneously in the name of logic.
Schemas can contribute to stereotypes and deeply ingrained discriminatory processes about ourselves, and others, that we may not even be aware exist in our consciousness. Furthermore, any information that does not fit within the schema or bias is discarded. This is perceptual bias. We see what we expect to see, not what is really there.
Schemas can make it difficult to retain new information that does not conform to our established ideas about the world.
Clear Your schemas and access more clarity, intuition and power in unprecedented times.