Neuroplasticity and the Physics of Change
A Joy Mapping Webinar
August 24, 2022
10am Pacific Time/1pm Eastern Time
(Find your time zone here.)
Cost: $50 (includes recording)
This webinar will be recorded so you do not need to attend live.
Recording will automatically be sent 24-hours following live transmission
“Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back; a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.”
-Anais Nin
Dare to dream and let go into the universe where anything can happen!
How OK are you with not knowing what may happen next?
The energies of August are wild, dynamic, and ripe with change. How we experience what may happen next is up to how we individually/collectively respond to the uncertainty. We are all in for a wild ride, the adventure of a lifetime. Are you ready?
Our ability to embrace change is directly proportional to our willingness to remain flexible.
Are you open to novel concepts and unexpected ways of approaching life, relationships, challenges, and opportunities? Or do your assumptions about how things “should be” get in the way of how things are?
Maybe you might benefit from being a little less rigid and a little more NP.
Neuroplasticity (NP) is a general umbrella term in neuroscience that refers to the brain’s ability to modify, change, and adapt both structure and function throughout life and in response to experience. Science once believed the adult brain was incapable of producing new neural pathways. However, advances in neuroscience research have revealed our brains produce new cells and synaptic connections at any age.
If you don’t like what is happening in your life, career, relationships, and body, a little more Neuroplasticity may be what you need to change your experience.
In this webinar you will learn:
• Why the brain’s remarkable neuroplasticity allows us to modify our approach to reality.
• How to consciously remold/reshape your assumptions and experiences.
• What are the five easiest proven methods to practically play with neuroplasticity.
• When to connect heart-mind synthesis to expand the neuroplastic reservoir.
• Where you may benefit from being more limber in your approaches.
Stretch your mind, open your heart, and expand your life!