NOTE: This is a recording of a live seminar originally held Tuesday, February 16, 2021.
February 2nd is Groundhog Day in North America. The day is a metaphor for a series of unwelcome or tedious events that appear to be recurring in the same way.
To date, 2021 feels a little like Groundhog Day 2.0 (2020 reruns). However, we are at a nexus of the old vs. new, where predictability meets possibility.
Join me on February 16th for a powerful webinar kicking off a new cycle of change beginning February 17th.
New seeds, new ideas, new projects, and new ways of relating will magnify manifestation in a preeminent way. Moving forward will be progressively easier.
Join me to discover how and why February is the critical month to turn things around.
We genuinely do have everything before us. Discover the power of Joy Mapping your way forward into your reality of choice.
In this one-hour webinar, you will:
• Confirm what is different about 2021.
• Clear Your Field to access more Joy and Intuitive Awareness.
• Center in Your Heart-Power.
• Discern functional fear from dysfunctional fear.
• Connect to Source to activate True Authentic Desires (short and long term).
• Create your personal Venn Diagram of Manifestation.
• Claim your terms and map 2021 to move from predictability to possibility, ready to unfold Now.