Sometimes our biggest Aha! moments come from the diversions in our path.
“We always have the ability to make changes in our lives. Listening to our intuition makes change easier, as we are connecting to a level of intelligence that transcends our programming and conditioning. When we do not listen, we are functioning on fragmented knowledge.
We do not always listen, but that does not mean that we have deviated so far from wholeness that we are unable to find our way home. Even our so-called poor choices have served to shape our characters with references, distinctions, and vantage points of contrast we might not have gained had we “gone with the flow of our intuitive knowing.”
Sometimes our biggest Aha! moments come from the diversions in our path, when we don’t trust our gut and the heart’s intelligence. Once we realize this, we are back in alignment with a newfound wisdom and inner trust. We sometimes learn self-trust through self-betrayal. We are never lost; rather, we realize we need more awareness and better reception on the intuition channel.”
Excerpted from ‘The Little Book of Big Potentials’ by Melissa Joy Jonsson.